Sunday 11 May 2014

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Evaulation Question 5

How did you attract 
your audience?

The main way i have attracted my target audience is through Laura Mulveys theory of the male gaze. The male gaze consists of having a pretty female lead to draw in male attention, so basically using a women and her features to lure in viewers, which is actually a pretty good idea.

In my movie as a whole, men like to see a mystery or a climax and so in my opening sequence i included both. The end shot is somebody being kidnapped which would keep people guessing all the way through. Women always want to see a bad guy in the film and so this is why i turned the opening into the introduction of the protagonist, giving a more mysterious effect ready for the film to start.

At the end of my opening I have created a small climax. This will be in no way as big as the one placed in the middle of the film h however it does mean that audiences will want to continue watching the film to figure out what and why this particular thing as happened. I decided to do this after carrying out a survey and discovering peoples preferences. It meant that people would stay engaged with the movie and not get bored enough to turn it off, something that can happen a lot in movie world.

Having a female protagonist also proves attractive as this can be very unique in thriller movies and so people are more likely to see this movie standing out if it's in. Bunch people may also appreciate the new angle and feel they want to try. New type of action where a women leads the fight.

Evaluation question 7

Looking at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Since I filmed my preliminary task I can confidently say that my knowledge in the film industry has definitely grown, meaning that I could include many skills within my final thriller opening. The prelim task was short but it still portrayed many different skills needed to turn a handful of shots into a moving motion picture. In my opening sequence the editing skills I researched which are on my blog helped me to incorporate different shots (such as extreme close-up and panning shots) into my own final piece and so it had creativity and variety instead of simple boring shots that meant the piece didn't look right or fit together.
Shooting a prelim also meant that i could understand the feeling and the technicalities of the video camera and how to use it correctly by hand to get the best angles and positions for shots without variables like light or weather getting in the way and affecting how it looked in the end.

Friday 21 March 2014

Evaluation questions 3

3. When production teams have finished producing their later projects, it has been knitted together by the editing team and given the final okay from the director the net big step to get the film into the world is the distribution. It is one of the most important factors in film making because if the film is not put to the world in the right way audiences may not pick up on the film or won’t show any interest in it, creating some very big problems.

My opening sequence is a specific genre (thriller) and so I did my research as I wanted a company that was familiar with this theme and would know how to exploit it to its full potential. This being said I found in my research that many of the big production companies cover all types of genres and have all had a similar success and so my options were pretty much left wide open.

I created my project so that as soon as the first scene is shown you can instantly recognise that it is a thriller and so audiences would not be disappointed half way through the film.

I have addressed this is the beginning by having a dark opening picture and then a creaking gate which isn't usually associated with any romantic comedies...