Tuesday 29 April 2014

Evaluation question 7

Looking at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Since I filmed my preliminary task I can confidently say that my knowledge in the film industry has definitely grown, meaning that I could include many skills within my final thriller opening. The prelim task was short but it still portrayed many different skills needed to turn a handful of shots into a moving motion picture. In my opening sequence the editing skills I researched which are on my blog helped me to incorporate different shots (such as extreme close-up and panning shots) into my own final piece and so it had creativity and variety instead of simple boring shots that meant the piece didn't look right or fit together.
Shooting a prelim also meant that i could understand the feeling and the technicalities of the video camera and how to use it correctly by hand to get the best angles and positions for shots without variables like light or weather getting in the way and affecting how it looked in the end.

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